A pair of BASIS International Schools college counsellors attended an international admissions conference in Bangkok, Thailand in September, and brought back valuable insight, information, resources, and contacts from what is considered a vital event in the international education world.
Yu and Schneider were able to learn about trends in their field and best practices, and spent time networking with admissions officers and college counselors from around the world. There were more than 188 colleges and universities and 128 international high schools represented at the conference this year, which included sessions led by both counselors and admissions officers, a school fair, as well as a college fair. In order to get the most out of the event for BASIS International Schools, Yu and Schneider teamed up in their efforts to participate in events covering different topics during each session.
- Breaking the Code on Academic Entry Criteria
- Australian University Admissions
- Using Data and Technology in the College Process
- Negotiating Ethical Dilemmas
- Interactive Strategies/Activities to Engage Students in College and Career Counseling
- Hong Kong University Admissions
- How to Support TCKs in their Transition to College Culture
We asked Amanda Yu for her impressions of the event, and she wrote the following account:
The conference, and the importance of connecting with other counsellors:
Global networking and professional development are some of the most exciting elements of college counseling in a BASIS International School. While stateside counselors attend events with their local chapters as well as ASCA and NACAC conferences, in the international circle there are all of those groups and much more. International schools around the world have prompted the creation of an International School Counselor Association (ISCA), whose guidelines and standards are mostly borrowed from ASCA. Instead of the NACAC we have the International ACAC, and instead of state organizations we have regional ones, as small as a WeChat group for all counselors in one city, and as large as a network for the entire Asia-Pacific region.
What our work at the conference will mean to our campuses, and our network:
As BASIS International School counsellors, we seek to open more doors for our students and help them expand their views of themselves as well as their possible futures. Facilitating college visits to our school campus this year is one of the ways I hope to reach this goal, so that students have the opportunity to hear first-hand accounts of different college programs, campuses, and settings. Faculty career and college fairs are another way to get younger students excited and open-minded about college while also helping to build our BASIS International School Park Lane Harbour school community.
In an extraordinary way, being an international school counsellor also changes one’s perspective. The challenges make every day unique, and the rewards of working with and learning from BASIS International School students are boundless.
Amanda Yu is a College Counsellor at BASIS International School Park Lane Harbour.